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Council Business

Parish Councillor Vacancy

Aston Le Walls and Apple Tree has a vacancy for a Parish Councillor. We are currently looking for someone who has an interest in local government and community with a desire to represent the views and needs of local village people.

Published: 24 November 2023

selective focus photography of people sitting on chairs while writing on notebooks

Aston Le Walls and Apple Tree has a vacancy for a Parish Councillor. We are currently looking for someone who has an interest in local government and community with a desire to represent the views and needs of local village people.

Together with our 6 other Councillors, you will help deliver on the right services as well as making decisions on planning and environmental issues, which help to improve the welfare and wellbeing of our community.

No experience or special skills are needed, just the desire to help make a difference to the local village residents.

If you are interested and would like to know more about the role of a Councillor, please email Matt Hawkins Chair

The closing date for applications is on Wednesday 6th December 2023. Please apply in writing to Debra Kirton Clerk to the Parish Council Aston Le Walls. Email:




that a casual vacancy has occurred in the office of Councillor for the Parish of Aston le Walls following the resignation of Cllr. Dick Stephen.

Rule 5(2) of The Local Elections (Parishes and Communities) (England and Wales) Rules 2006 now applies.

The rule allows TEN ELECTORS for the ward in which the casual vacancy has arisen to request the Proper Officer to hold an election to the vacancy.* That request must be made within FOURTEEN DAYS, calculated in accordance with the rules, **of the date of this notice. The fourteen-day period ends on 6th December 2023.

What if a request to hold an election is not received during the permitted time?

Rule 5(5) of the above Rules will apply. The Parish Council must, as soon as practicable after the expiry of the fourteen-day period, co-opt a person to fill the vacancy.

The Proper Officer’s address is:

Electoral Services, West Northamptonshire Council, The Guildhall. St Giles Square, Northampton, NN1 1DE

The telephone number for further guidance is 0300 126 7000 or email:

This notice is dated 16th November 2023

Name Debra Kirton, Clerk to Aston le Walls Parish Council

* There is no form of word for this request, which might simply be a letter headed with such words as ‘We the undersigned being electors of the [Ward of] …. Parish, call for an election to fill the vacancy arising from the [death][resignation] of *. A template entitled “Request for an Election” is available from the Parish Clerk. It is helpful if the ten signatures are accompanied by printed names and addresses.

** In calculating the notice period, day one is the day following the date of this notice; a Saturday, Sunday, Christmas Eve, Christmas day, Good Friday or a Bank Holiday or day appointed for public thanksgiving or mourning shall be disregarded, and the period closes at midnight on the fourteenth day after the date of this notice. Rule 5(2) of The Local Elections (Parishes and Communities)(England and Wales) Rules 2006 now applies.

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